Monday, August 24, 2009

Discussion of Religion

Originally posted: July 31st, 2009

I'm a strong supporter for discussing things like religion and politics. As my housemate said, these are things that need to be discussed. It's unfair to stop discussion simply because someone was offended. Fights and wars happen because people do not take the time to understand foreign cultures, religions, views, and each other. Frankly, the ones who were offended shouldn't have been in the first place. That said, the opposing side may have been the ones at fault; if they were, then they should really try to approach things in a different way, consider their words more carefully (ESPECIALLY when arguments are posed in text, where we are unable to view gestures and read faces).

Someone once voiced worry about "I don't see how..." statements:

Doubting the validity of someone's beliefs never bodes well. You can exchange ideas safely and promote a feeling of goodwill, but the second someone says "I don't see how..." you have someone else, a tad offended and/or angry, on the defensive. [sic]
I love asking people about their religions and views; it's an area in which I'm quite curious. It helps me refine my own views, it helps me understand where people are coming from (and ultimately, them), it helps me ask questions about my own beliefs. I think that is important. To question oneself. Fortunately - though rarely - I've bumped into religious people who did not mind my very prying questions, even ridiculous ones such as, "If 6 billion people pray to God every day.. wouldn't he get annoyed or bored about it?", and "Why does God always need us to thank him for things? I see him as more humble than that."

Personally, I think God is a really laid back dude. If you "use his name in vain", or if he is the butt of a joke, I don't think he'll mind - he's not that uptight. If you're questioning him, he won't get pissed off. I think he'll be proud that you can think for yourself. If he exists, and you start to challenge the evidence of his existence, he'll say "Bring it."

Sure he deserves respect, but he's not a spoiled brat.
And if he is - as many people seem to treat him as such, then damn it, we're all screwed.